First things First. And sorry to have begun with this first. We have no choice but to start from here by sending Requisition Notices to the Four buildings in front of Ruia College (Opposite the Matunga Gymkhana Grounds) as shown in the map alongside, where the famous DP's & Mani's restaurants are situated. We are really sorry for the folks who reside in these buildings since the redevelopment of their buildings will have to be permanently forfeited. But we believe they too will be happy to help, given that so many folks will get the benefit of it all. Needless to say, the government will have to ably compensate them as well as relocate them in the nearby developments ONLY and offer greater carpet area flats to persuade them to agree. In fact, it is some sort of a Godsend that these buildings have not been redeveloped yet while the rest of the nearby areas like Hindu Colony and Matunga East got developed. Had they been redeveloped, it would’ve been impossible to execute the plan. We are really grateful that these buildings have not been redeveloped.
Thankfully they don’t have to be demolished since the proposed NEW TILAK BRIDGE (NTB) will land down from above these four buildings.
Thankfully they don’t have to be demolished since the proposed NEW TILAK BRIDGE (NTB) will land down from above these four buildings.